This is a 1930's Jones Special, built in Christchurch by
Jones Cycles. This company was one of New Zealand's, and certainly
the South Islands main race frame builders of the 1930's-early 40's.

Cyclo three speed, shifts OK as long as you go gentle with it.
Tied and soldered spokes on woods/alloy bottles on Major Taylor stems
it doesn't get any better than that.
If you like this then you will probably enjoy this older post
on Clark Cycles, Leader Specials.

It rides pretty nice, I had a good day out a while ago,
on one the kids school bike days,
the kids thought the woods where cool.
(which they are!)
The day was uneventful compered to the time I took along my
Skeats & Whites 1940's tandem track bike.
I had only thrown on a rudimentary brake the
morning before I arrived at the school to give the
kids a ride around the fields.
Little did I know that the whole school (just about)
would be circling the field at the same time!
I can tell you I (and Passenger) had some exciting
moments that afternoon.
It was a real steep learning curve on how to handle
a tandem track bike!
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