The Two dollar bike
Yep, got this bike from the local recyclers for 2 bucks, less wheelset, seat and pedals.
It was painted in one of those appalling 80's tri colour paint schemes, that I am hoping is one of those fashions that don't have a retro revival.
Anyway first thing I did when I got it home was to strip it and spray it in rattle can satin black with off white front forks,rat rod styles, looked sweet.
I then got to drive a drill press without a license and proceeded to attack every component that looked like it could bear it with reckless disregard.
At that stage it had some tri bars on, so I drilled those to,but Rob down at the Hub cycle shop
took one look at those off they came.
When a guys got as much experience as him, you don't argue the toss, although I have to say they looked pretty cool all drilled out and all.
Rode it like this for about a year, it was kind of like a beater, didn't look much, but was light and real good around town.
Got bored one day and decided to give it a decent paint job.
After interviewing a lot of riders from the late 1950's and 60's and hearing their views on the Legnano's that they rode in NZ, which basically was, they were like lead pipe, plain gauge 531 at best for a few them I think. (This bike is 531 professional by the way).
I decided to make this bike a homage to those Beautiful if somewhat heavy Legnano's, and also to the 50's Greasers and their lowrider kustom cars, call it the 'LedSled' and paint it in the Legnano colours, and use silver paint instead of chrome in the modern Hi tech rod style.
I cut the LedSled out in stencil the same as the early Legnano's, which were also stencils.
Came out pretty nice I think.
I have got a nice Ken Evans frame hanging in the garage that would look nice painted like this, could do it for someone if they like this look of this?